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Enlaces a sitios

Astro-Physical Calculator
features pre-programmed physical constants and astronomical data.
Idioma: English / English
Body Mass Index Calculator
measures height/weight ratios.
Idioma: English / English
Button Maker
Button Maker
Idioma: English / English
Calculators and UltraConverter
interactive calculators for simultaneous equations and a converter for length, area, volume, mass, and time.
Idioma: English / English
Cameron's JavaScript Stuff
Cameron's JavaScript Stuff
Idioma: English / English
Chemistry Functions
use this JavaScript page to do various calculations related to chemistry - helpful if you have this type of homework.
Idioma: English / English
Compression of Links Pages
compress link pages to save disk space. You can compress or decompress the links pages online.
Idioma: English / English
Conversion Maestro
converts length, area, mass, weight, liquid volume, and temperature.
Idioma: English / English
Convert It!
length, area, fluid, volume, mass, velocity, acceleration, pressure, energy/work, and power.
Idioma: English / English
Coolnerds JavaScript Calculator
Coolnerds JavaScript Calculator
Idioma: English / English
Fade Script
fade the background from one color to another
Idioma: English / English
This page uses frames, targets and cookies to let the user have up to four different web sites running at one time. Written in Javascript and HTML from the people at DSC Inc.
Idioma: English / English
Graph It
draws the graph of your mathematical functions. It uses dynamically created pictures.
Idioma: English / English
Interactive Units Converter
friendly JavaScript interface converts weight, volume, length, area, speed, pressure, temperature, circular measure, and time into different units and unit systems.
Idioma: English / English
Javascript Clock
Javascript Clock
Idioma: English / English
JavaScript GIF Movie Theatre
deep plots, crafty villians, brave heroes, and low (kindof) bandwidth.
Idioma: English / English
JavaScript Periodic Table
script for a basic display of the elements and their properties.
Idioma: English / English
JavaScript RPN Calculator
JavaScript RPN Calculator
Idioma: English / English
Kohoutek Speed Detect Script
detect the speed of your visitors with JavaScript.
Idioma: English / English
Lawrence Goetz's Unit Conversion
convert temperature, weight, length, and volume. Requires JavaScript.
Idioma: English / English
Magic 8 Ball - Dukemedia
Magic 8 Ball - Dukemedia
Idioma: English / English
an ever-growing set of weights, measures, and units conversion/calculation modules.
Idioma: English / English
Menu Factory
javascript pull-down menus for the rest of us.
Idioma: English / English
Metric Converter
distance only.
Idioma: English / English
Ninja Suit
tools for business, education, science, travel, sports, and more.
Idioma: English / English
Poisson Pit
Poisson probability calculator.
Idioma: English / English
search assistant that uses javascript and frames. It is always with you, an alt + tab away.
Idioma: English / English
Quarterback Passer Rating Calculator
Quarterback Passer Rating Calculator
Idioma: English / English
RPN-Stack Calculator
full-function, scientific calculator using semi-RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) format.
Idioma: English / English
Standard Atmosphere Computations
computes properties related to the 1976 standard atmosphere up to 230,000 ft.
Idioma: English / English
Stop the Status Bar!
get rid of those scrolling menaces
Idioma: English / English
Timothy's JavaScript Examples
Timothy's JavaScript Examples
Idioma: English / English
Unit Conversion Calculators in JavaScript
convert distance, weight, and volume.
Idioma: English / English
converts units of density, force, energy, pressure, volume, and more.
Idioma: English / English
Web Directory: Dictionaries and Unit Conversion for Engineers
Web Directory: Dictionaries and Unit Conversion for Engineers
Idioma: English / English
Website Born On Dates
never have a skunky website again! Just cut 'n paste this JavaScript and you are ready to go. See when the website was created as well as its last update and more.
Idioma: English / English
World Time in Javascript
get information on time of different time zones.
Idioma: English / English
WWW Atmosphere Calculator
performs high precision calculations of the 1976 Standard Atmosphere properties up to 86 kilometer altitude.
Idioma: English / English
WWW Unit Converter
includes area, density, energy, force, length, mass, power, pressure, speed, temperature, and volume.
Idioma: Dutch; Flemish / Dutch; Flemish




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