Enlaces a sitios |
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American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists technical and scientific society devoted to the advancement of textile chemistry. Idioma: English / English | American Oil Chemists' Society international forum for fats, oils, proteins surfactants and detergents. Idioma: English / English |
AOAC International focuses on chemical and microbiological analysis in areas of food, drugs, agriculture, environment, forensics. Idioma: English / English | Association of Finnish Chemical Societies Association of Finnish Chemical Societies Idioma: English / English |
Chemical Heritage Foundation promotes public understanding of the chemical and molecular sciences, technologies, and industries and their impacts on society. Idioma: English / English |
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Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker Idioma: English / English |
International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) international organization concerned with the thermophysical properties of water and steam, particularly those properties of high-temperature steam, water, and aqueous systems that are relevant to thermal power cycles and other industrial applications. Idioma: English / English |
International Chemistry Society useful services and links for the chemistry community. Idioma: English / English |
New Zealand Institute of Chemistry (NZIC) national professional organisation for those interested in chemistry and its related disclipines. Idioma: English / English |
North American Catalysis Society contains newsletters, officers, local clubs and societies, and meetings. Idioma: English / English | Rice University - Chemistry Graduate Student Association (CGSA) Rice University - Chemistry Graduate Student Association (CGSA) Idioma: English / English |
Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Polymer Division details of organisation, meetings, prizes, publications and other activities. Idioma: English / English | Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Victorian Branch professional and learned society serving the needs of chemists and the community in Australia. Idioma: English / English |
Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica Brazilian chemical society. Idioma: English / English | Stanford Chemistry Club Stanford Chemistry Club Idioma: English / English |
Svenska Kemistsamfundet Swedish Chemical Society. seeking to promote the development of chemistry and its applications. Idioma: English / English |