Enlaces a sitios |
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Ah Pax Chul, Taller y escuela virtual del barro cantador El objetivo de estos trabajos es el de ayudar a rescatar, divulgar y fomentar la rica, milenaria y singular organología del México Antiguo. Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian | Ancient Bone Flute Entheogenic Tools, Peruvian Whistling Vessels Idioma: English / English |
Daniel Statnekov Daniel Statnekov Idioma: English / English | Estudios de Aerófonos Mexicanos Por Roberto Velázquez Cabrera, Instituto Virtual de Investigación Tlapitzcalzin Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian |
Instruments of the world Instruments of the world Idioma: English / English |
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Kathleen I. Kimba. The power of clay Kathleen I. Kimba. The power of clay Idioma: English / English |
Musical Instruments Musical Instruments Idioma: English / English |
Musical Items From Around The World Musical Items From Around The World Idioma: English / English |
Ocarina Club from yahoo Ocarina Club from yahoo Idioma: English / English |
Ocarina di Budrio L'ocarina di Budrio - detta ora anche semplicemente ocarina - è uno strumento musicale popolare a fiato, appartenente alla famiglia dei flauti, ed è appunto un flauto globulare di terracotta a forma ovoidale allungata Idioma: Italian / Italian | P. A. Skordos Parallel simulation of hydrodynamics and acoustics inside wind musical instruments, 1994 by Panayotis Skordos Idioma: English / English |
Shakuhachi Tai Hei Shakuhachi Japanese Bamboo Flutes - The shakuhachi flute is used as a tool for zen Buddhist meditation
as well as playing classical, jazz & traditional Japanese folk music Idioma: English / English | Susan Rawcliffe Susan Rawcliffe explores primeval soundscapes as a
master didjeriduist, flute maker/player and researcher into pre-Columbian wind instruments. Idioma: English / English |
Uli Whal - Aeolian Musical Instruments Sound Producing Aeolian Instruments for Kites and other purposes
sounded and powered by the natural wind; Drachen-Musik-Instrumente und andere Aeolsinstrumente, Musiques Éoliennes pour Cerfs-Volants et autres applications Idioma: English / English |