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Centre de Génétique Moléculaire (Campus de Gif sur Yvette)
Idioma: French / French
CRBM - Centre de Recherche en Biochimie Macromoléculaire
La mission première du CRBM est de développer une recherche fondamentale de pointe et de réputation internationale dans les domaines de la biologie moléculaire et cellulaire avec un accent particulier sur le contrôle du cycle cellulaire.
Idioma: French / French
IMBS - Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Massey
The Institute of Molecular BioSciences (IMBS) at Massey University provides a stimulating and diverse research and training environment of international standing. The IMBS is home to the Allan Wilson Centre (AWC) for Molecular Ecology and Evolution.
Idioma: English / English
Instituut voor Moleculaire Biologie en Biotechnologie
The Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology is situated on the main campus of the Free University of Brussels and encompasses ten research groups that use diverse techniques to cover different disciplines and research topics.
Idioma: French / French
Research Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, FBS
Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds. Research is a central platform for the reputation of our University, which we hope will influence the lives of those who choose to study and work here, and will make a major impact on global society.
Idioma: English / English
SCSB - Sealy Center for Structural Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
The mission SCSB is to elucidate the basic relationships between macromolecular sequence, structure and function, and to leverage this information into the understanding and treatment of disease.
Idioma: English / English
The Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel Center for Biology and Medicine
At the Skirball Institute for Biomolecular Medicine. NYU Langone Medical Center's prestigious basic research facility, dedicated to advancing the understanding of the molecular functioning of living organisms.
Idioma: English / English
ZMBH - Zentrum fuer Molekulare Biologie Heidelberg
Ruprecht-Karls, Universität Heidelberg. is a center of excellence for both research and higher education in basic and biomedical molecular biology.
Idioma: German / German




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