Betty's Travel Kiosk: Digitizing Slides includes information on scanning 35 mm slides using a standard flatbed scanner and a fluorescent flashlight Idioma: English / English
FAQ - The Scanning FAQ tips and techniques of image scanning for the desktop publisher, multimedia presenter, and graphic artist Idioma: English / English
Real World Scanning and Halftones tips, links, and related sources on scanning, as well as excerpts from the book Idioma: English / English
Scanning Experiments Don Maxwell offers information about scanning 35 mm slides and 3-D objects, creating stereoscopic images, and more, all with a standard flatbed scanner Idioma: English / English
Wayne Fulton's Scanning Tips Wayne helps beginners get off to a quick start with their flatbed scanners. Includes tips on working with 35 mm film and slides and an extensive collection of links Idioma: English / English
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