Adobe: Scalable Vector Graphics SVG is an XML-based language for Web graphics. Download the Adobe's SVG viewer here Idioma: English / English
Burn All GIFs Day on this day, all GIF users will gather at Unisys and burn all their GIF files. Learn about Unisys and its controversial patent. Idioma: English / English
Computer Graphics Resource private summary of known sources to computer graphics. Idioma: English / English
ISO JPEG and JBIG Standards Committees official site for document distribution and discussion by the international JPEG and JBIG groups Idioma: English / English
pbmplus image file format conversion package Idioma: English / English
PNG Documentation the PNG specification in various formats and mirrors Idioma: English / English
Portable Network Graphics describes the features of PNG such as gamma and transparency, with examples; includes browser testing links Idioma: English / English
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