Enlaces a sitios |
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Globus Project, The developing basic software infrastructure for computations that integrate geographically distributed computational and information resources Idioma: English / English | IACOMA Project, The IACOMA Project, The Idioma: English / English |
Mentat Project, The object-oriented parallel processing system designed to directly address the difficulty of developing architecture-independent parallel programs Idioma: English / English | MetaCenter Science Highlights Repository descriptions of some of the 10,000 scientific research projects that have used the resources of NSF supercomputing centers. All reports have images, and many also are accompanied by animations and sound Idioma: English / English |
NIST Scientific Applications Support Project NIST Scientific Applications Support Project Idioma: English / English |
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Project Appleseed UCLA project uses a parallel Macintosh cluster for numerically intensive computing, creating a plug and play parallel computer environment Idioma: English / English |
RASSP Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors. Lockheed-Martin ATL, a prime contractor on 4-year DARPA project. LM-ATL's RASSP program, links to other RASSP participants Idioma: English / English |
Web Directory: Research Groups List of research groups in the field of supercomputing and parallel computing Idioma: English / English |