Enlaces a sitios |
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Alabama Supercomputer Authority provides supercomputing time and related resources to Alabama's academic researchers and industry, facilitating research in advanced scientific and engineering disciplines. Idioma: English / English | Army High Performance Computing Research Center AHPCRC's mission is to conduct computational science research leading to the development of computational tools for addressing defense technology issues. Idioma: English / English |
Australian National University Supercomputer Facility Regional Information:Countries:Australia:Canberra Idioma: English / English | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing Idioma: English / English |
Center for Parallel Computers, PDC Center for Parallel Computers, PDC Idioma: Northern Sami / Northern Sami |
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Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) India's national initiative for the design and development of high-performance computers based on parallel processing architectures. Idioma: Hindi / Hindi |
Centro Nacional de Calculo Cientifico supercomputing facility located in Merida, Venezuela. The facility includes access to an IBM SP2 Parallel Computer, and a lots of specialized software. Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian |
Centro Nacional de Processamento de Alto Desempenho no NE CENAPAD/NE Idioma: Portuguese / Portuguese |
Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico Swiss national scientific computing center. to provide Switzerland with high-performance computing resources and the expertise to exploit these resources. Idioma: German / German |
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre Idioma: English / English | High Performance Computing Center High Performance Computing Center Idioma: German / German |
ICS-FORTH Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems Lab Idioma: Greek, Modern / Greek, Modern | Joint Institute for Computational Science Joint Institute for Computational Science Idioma: English / English |
Kwangwoon University Computer Systems and Parallel Computing Research Group. Idioma: Belarusian / Belarusian | Maui High Performance Computing Center Mosaic Homepage Maui High Performance Computing Center Mosaic Homepage Idioma: English / English |
Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research Idioma: English / English | NASA Earth and Space Sciences Project NASA Earth and Space Sciences Project Idioma: English / English |
National Center for High-performance Computing (Taiwan) National Center for High-performance Computing (Taiwan) Idioma: Chinese / Chinese | National Environmental Supercomputing Center National Environmental Supercomputing Center Idioma: English / English |
National Supercomputing Center for Energy and the Environment National Supercomputing Center for Energy and the Environment Idioma: English / English | NIST SCED Parallel Processing NIST SCED Parallel Processing Idioma: English / English |
North Carolina Supercomputing Center North Carolina Supercomputing Center Idioma: English / English | Northeast Parallel Architectures Center advanced computing center at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. Idioma: English / English |
Ohio Supercomputer Center Home Page Ohio Supercomputer Center Home Page Idioma: English / English | Parallel Architecture Research Laboratory (PARL) Parallel Architecture Research Laboratory (PARL) Idioma: English / English |
Parallel Computing Group - Cracow, Poland Parallel Computing Group - Cracow, Poland Idioma: Polish / Polish | Parallel Tools Consortium collaboration of researchers, developers, and users working to make parallel tools responsive to user needs. Idioma: English / English |
Pennsylvania State University Numerically Intensive Computing Idioma: English / English | Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center home page Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center home page Idioma: English / English |
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Idioma: Polish / Polish | Queen's University - Parallel Computation Group includes publication list, technical reports, the projects and the people. Idioma: English / English |
Queensland Parallel Supercomputing Facility Queensland Parallel Supercomputing Facility Idioma: English / English | Rice University Center for Research on Parallel Computation Idioma: English / English |
San Diego Supercomputer Center national laboratory for computational science and engineering Idioma: English / English | Stanford FLASH Project design of the FLASH multiprocessor and related projects at Stanford University. Idioma: English / English |
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute an interdisciplinary program established to support research in computational science, train researchers from various academic disciplines and provide them access to supercomputers. Idioma: English / English | Sydney Regional Centre for Parallel Computing Sydney Regional Centre for Parallel Computing Idioma: English / English |
UCLA Parallel Computing Laboratory UCLA PCL has developed several high-performance parallel simulation languages (Parsec, Maisie) for use on a variety of architectures and operating systems. Free downloads. Idioma: English / English | UIUC - Center for Reliable and High Performance Computing UIUC - Center for Reliable and High Performance Computing Idioma: English / English |
UIUC - Center for Supercomputing Research & Development UIUC - Center for Supercomputing Research & Development Idioma: English / English | UIUC Parallel Programming Laboratory UIUC Parallel Programming Laboratory Idioma: English / English |
University of Alaska Fairbanks Arctic Region Supercomputing Center Idioma: English / English | University of Amsterdam Architecture Research Group Idioma: English / English |
University of Arizona - Optical Computing and Parallel Processing Lab (OCPPL) works with optical computing architectures and algorithms. Idioma: English / English | University of Houston High Performance Computing Idioma: English / English |
University of Iowa Parallel Processing Idioma: English / English | University of Maryland High Performance System Software Laboratory Idioma: English / English |
University of Stuttgart Parallel Computing Idioma: German / German | University of Washington HPCC Group Idioma: English / English |
University of Western Australia University of Western Australia Idioma: English / English | University of Westminster Centre for Parallel Computing University of Westminster Centre for Parallel Computing Idioma: English / English |
USC Multiprocessor Testbed Project USC Multiprocessor Testbed Project Idioma: English / English | Utah Supercomputing Institute Utah Supercomputing Institute Idioma: English / English |