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Noticias | Ingenier�as | Ingenier�a Ambiental

Volkswagen ser� m�s verde

Muchas marcas tienen como meta ser m�s amigables con el ambiente y Volkswagen no es la excepci�n. Su plan es reducir 25% el impacto ambiental de sus plantas de producci�n para el a�o 2018.

Publicado: Martes, 3/1/2012 - 11:31  | 3324 visitas.

Planta de Volkswagen en Chattanooga
Planta de Volkswagen en Chattanooga
Imagen: Volkswagen Group of America
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La iniciativa llamada "Think Blue. Factory" tiene como objetivo que las emisiones de di�xido de carbono, los vol�menes de desecho, el consumo de energ�a en megawatts por hora por veh�culo producido y el consumo de agua total se reduzcan notablemente.

Con su iniciativa, Volkswagen persigue una estrategia clara dirigida a todas sus plantas alrededor del mundo.

Este programa incluye planes para el �rea de produccion de vehiculos. Tiene que ver con mejoras a la eficiencia y con el aumento del uso de suministros de energ�a m�s amigables con el ambiente y est� dirigido a todo su personal.

Los resultados ya pueden comenzar a apreciarse: la planta de Volkswagen en Chattanooga, Tennessee fue la primera en el mundo en recibir una certificaci�n de liderazgo en su dise�o ambiental y energ�tico (LEED por sus siglas en ingl�s) de platino.

Noticia publicada en Univisi�n (EEUU)

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Planta de Volkswagen en Chattanooga
Planta de Volkswagen en Chattanooga

Imagen: Volkswagen Group of America


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online regulatory resource for envirnomental engineers, scientists, and managers with insight from industry professionals.
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Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
The aim of the Conference is to present results of research and innovated technologies related to environmental problems, which threaten the quality of life in our planet. I
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compilation of Internet information sources for environmental science and technology.
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Environmental Database For Use In Schools
learn how engineering and the environment interact. Topics include acid rain, pollution, transport, water, energy, and waste.
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Environmental models
Trent University Modelling Centre. Multimedia models dealing with the fate of organic contaminants in the environment.
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Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science and Technology
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EnviroWeb -- A Project of the EnviroLink Network
The EnviroLink Network is an environmental information clearinghouse. EnviroLink is committed to promoting an alternative sustainable society through the use of new communication technologies, in an effort to connect individuals and organizations.
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Hazardous Waste Clean-up Information (CLU-IN)
Clu-in provides information about innovative treatment technologies for hazardous waste remediation community. Tools for government personnel, engineers, technology developers and vendors, and community groups.
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Internet Resources for the Environmental Scientist
designed for environmental scientists. Links for government agencies, organizations, environmental websites, and employment sites.
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Dedicated to general information about constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.
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