Ca�da del glaciar Perito Moreno Imagen: Agencias / Internet
El glaciar Perito Moreno es compartido por Argentina y Chile y se extiende sobre el Brazo Sur del Lago Argentino, con un frente de cinco kil�metros de longitud y sesenta metros de altura, siendo este uno de los glaciares m�s imponentes del mundo. El Glaciar Perito Moreno tiene una velocidad medida, a unos 4 km del frente, de aproximadamente 2 m por d�a, alrededor de 700 m por a�o.
Este glaciar al represar las aguas del Lago Argentino provoca el aumento de nivel de las aguas del lago las cuales erocionan el frente del glaciar. Ensto crea un t�nel con una b�veda de m�s de 50 metros por el que las aguas del Brazo Rico descienden hasta el Lago Argentino, la erosi�n causada por el agua provoca finalmente el derrumbe de la b�veda, en uno de los espect�culos m�s imponentes que puedan presenciarse. Este es un fen�meno natural no el resultado del supuesto calentamiento global.
Climbing Magazine Climbing Magazine's Web site contains more than 30 years of rock and ice climbing news, climber profiles, technical information, and gear reviews. You'll also find message boards, photo galleries, and classifieds Idioma: English / English
Cold Regions Bibliography Between 1999 and 2000, this project was carried out under an Interagency Agreement between the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress and the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL). Idioma: English / English
Descent into the Ice A tem of 'glacionauts' ventures into a labyrinth of unexplored anda hazardous glacier caves on France's Mont Blanc Idioma: English / English
Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountains � GAPHAZ Scientific Working Group of the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) and the International Permafrost Association (IPA). Department of Geosciences University of Oslo Idioma: English / English
Glacier hazards The experience and data on glacier disasters in Switzerland has been systematically collected in the past two decades, and historical sources were analyzed. Idioma: English / English
Glacier Hazards From Space Glacier hazards represent a continuous threat to human lives and infrastructure in mountain regions. Idioma: English / English
Glacier Hazards in Per� The floods, known in Per� as aluvi�nes, come with little or no warning and are composed of liquid mud that generally transports large rock boulders and blocks of ice. Idioma: English / English
Glaciers and Glacier Hazards Glaciers and Glacier Hazards Glaciers and Ice Sheets and Volcanic Eruptions, USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington Idioma: English / English
Glaciers online Glaciers online offers photos and summary explanations concerning glaciers from all over the world. The primary goal of our project is to enrich and stimulate the teaching of Earth Science and Physical Geography, in particular glaciology.. J�rg Alean & Mi Idioma: English / English
Global Land Ice Measurements from Space GLIMS (Global Land Ice Measurements from Space) is a project designed to monitor the world's glaciers primarily using data from optical satellite instruments, such as ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and reflection Radiometer). Idioma: English / English
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