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"Columns: The G Man"
includes extensive biographical background and science section describing his work.
Idioma: English / English
"Year 1912 - Casimir Funk Coins the Name Vitamin"
describes his discovery of the amine, an organic compound derived from ammonia, that prevented beriberi.
Idioma: English / English
Columbia Encyclopedia: Casimir Funk
brief biography of the Polish-born biochemist.
Idioma: English / English
Great Moments in Medicine: Making the Vital Connection
describes the work of Christian Eijkman, Frederick Hopkins, and Casimir Funk in recognizing the link between vitamins and health.
Idioma: English / English
History Makers: Frederick Gowland Hopkins (1861-1947)
British biochemist whose research included the use of supplementary nutrients to promote health and the isolation of lactic acid during muscle activity.
Idioma: English / English
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1929: Christiaan Eijkman and Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins
includes their biographies and texts of their lectures.
Idioma: English / English
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1994: Alfred G. Gilman and Martin Rodbell
includes autobiographies, their Nobel lectures, and more.
Idioma: English / English
Profiles in Science: The Martin Rodbell Papers
features biographical information, personal documents, and visuals related to his discovery of G-proteins and the principles of signal transduction in cellular communication.
Idioma: English / English
Some Material on the History of Biochemistry
outlines the lives and major scientific achievements of Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins and Marshall W. Nirenberg.
Idioma: English / English


 - Ciencia y Tecnolog�a
Hallazgo de restos de una casa de 10.000 a�os
Los primeros turistas espaciales chinos viajar�n al cosmos en 2014 y 2015
El robot chino Conejo de Jade se reactiva tras 15 d�as de �siesta lunar�
Resuelto el misterio: Un estudio confirma que el euskera es una lengua africana
Emitir�n primer programa en directo desde el espacio - Ciencia y Tecnolog�a
La politizaci�n de la dieta
Hans-Hermann Hoppe y la democracia
De los genes a la comprensi�n del ser humano y la enfermedad
Hace 1000 y 2000 a�os la Tierra fue m�s c�lida que ahora
�Cu�ntos habitantes tendr� el planeta en el 2050? �Y en el 2300? - Ciencia y Tecnolog�a
Carta abierta al Presidente de la Rep�blica del Ecuador
Fen�menos oce�nicos que cambian el clima y que no conoc�as
�Correcto, incorrecto? �Arte o ciencia, ambas o ninguna?
La energ�a geotermal en Ecuador y el perro del hortelano
Si programas en lenguaje SAS, esto te puede ayudar

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