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Conocimiento Ancestral Etnomatemáticas

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"Nott; Types of mankind (1855)"
"Nott; Types of mankind (1855)"
Idioma: English / English
Africans in America - history slavery
Africans in America - history slavery
Idioma: English / English
Anthropology @ Mesa Community College
Biological Anthropology: study human biological evolution and the biology of human beings and their closest primate relatives
Idioma: English / English
Ethnic Groups in the World
Ethnic Groups in the World
Idioma: English / English
Faces of Africa finalists
Faces of Africa finalists
Idioma: Afrikaans / Afrikaans
HGDP (1993)
HGDP (1993)
Idioma: English / English
Human populations images
Human populations images
Idioma: English / English
Indigenous Peoples Secretariat
The Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples Secretariat is a support Secretariat for the International Indigenous Peoples Organizations that are Permanent Participants to the Arctic Council .
Idioma: English / English
Info about Aymaras (Bolivia)
Info about Aymaras (Bolivia)
Idioma: English / English
Nat.Geogr.Population links
Nat.Geogr.Population links
Idioma: English / English
Population Index on the Web
Population Index on the Web
Idioma: English / English
Review of 'Tracing the Genetic History of Modern Man '
Review of 'Tracing the Genetic History of Modern Man '
Idioma: English / English
The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
Was founded May 1, 2004 when five departments at the Faculty of Humanities were merged into one. Today the department comprises the eight following sections that all have their own separate academic profiles
Idioma: Danish / Danish
World Population links
World Population links
Idioma: English / English




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