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ARSoftware Catalog
of Scientific and Technical Software
Idioma: English / English
Aspen Technology, Inc.
Simulation and modeling products for the Chemical Process Industries.
Idioma: English / English
Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc.
Includes descriptions of PROSIM, a general purpose process simulation package, and TSWEET, a simulation package specializing in gas sweetening and sulfur recovery processes.
Idioma: English / English
CAD Centre at Strathclyde University
Describes their research on design methods and computer support of the design process for engineering applications. Includes links to publications.
Idioma: English / English
CAMO - Computer-Aided Modelling, A/S - is a company specialising in software for multivariate analysis. Includes descriptions of their main product, The Unscrambler, which is a tool for modelling, prediction and classification of multivariable data sets.
Idioma: English / English
CAPD - Computer-Aided Process Design Consortium
The consortium in Computer-Aided Process Design is an industrial body within the Engineering Design Research Center that deals with the development of methodologies and computer tools for process industries.
Idioma: English / English
Chemical Engineering at NCSA
Applications and promotion of high performance computing to solve industrial and academic chemical engineering problems.
Idioma: English / English
Chemical Engineering Benchmarking
Stokes equations, finite element benchmarks.
Idioma: English / English
Chemical Reaction Network Toolbox
Chemical Reaction Network Toolbox
Idioma: English / English
ChemicaLogic Corporation
ChemicaLogic Corporation is a management and technology consulting firm. They trouble-shoot operational problems and conduct market research for clients in the chemical process industries.
Idioma: English / English
Chemkin Libraries
Chemkin libraries from Sandia National Laboratories.Includes Gas-phase kinetics libraries, Gas-phase multicomponent transport libraries, Surface kinetics libraries, Special purpose codes
Idioma: English / English
resource for Chemistry Information, Products, and Services.
Idioma: English / English
Computer Aided Process Engineering Research Group
Describes mathematical modelling of industrial processes
Idioma: English / English
Computers and Chemical Engineering Education
Provides links to a variety of chemical engineering education related computer software resources.
Idioma: English / English
Cullimore and Ring Technologies, Inc.
'Describes products and services: SINDA/FLUINT, a generalized thermal/fluid network-style solver; SINAPS, a complete GUI for SINDA/FLUINT; RadCAD, an upcoming CAD-based thermal radiation analyzer; Latest Newsletter'
Idioma: English / English
Design Research
A list of major academic sites, directories, AI, CASE, CAD with an emphasis on engineering design research.
Idioma: English / English
Ecosse Group
A computer aided process engineering research programme. Includes technical reports that encompases the whole range of activities carried out by engineers to improve the final product: in this case, the chemical plant.
Idioma: English / English
Engineering Design Research Center
A National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center at Carnegie Mellon University.
Idioma: English / English
Guide to Available Mathematical Software
The NIST Guide to Available Mathematical Software is a cross-index and virtual repository of mathematical and statistical software components of use in computational science and engineering.
Idioma: English / English
Indigo Instruments
Idioma: English / English
Jandel Scientific Software
Offers software for chemical, biochemical and chemical engineering presentation and data analysis products: SigmaSuite, SigmaPlot, SigmaStat, SigmaScan/Image, Mocha, TableCurve, PeakFit, Sigma Gel, and the SigmaPlot Graph Library, Volume One.
Idioma: English / English
K&K Associates
Describes the TAK III professional thermal analysis package. Tips and techniques and Thermal Data for thermal modeling are presented as well as links to other thermal-related pages around the world.
Idioma: English / English
MathSoft Inc.
'Provides product descriptions, tools and information about MathSoft products: technical calculation application Mathcad; the Mathbrowser; and another tools for users of PCs, Macintosh computers, and UNIX workstations.'
Idioma: English / English
MATLAB ODE Suite - Solutions to ODE's
Contains the MATLAB ODE suite, a collection of M-files developed by Lawrence F. Shampine and Mark W. Reichelt for solving ordinary differential equations.
Idioma: English / English
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
EPR Simulations
Idioma: English / English
National Instruments Software Archive
An annonymous ftp archive for general distribution product support files and user sharing of software related to National Instruments products.
Idioma: English / English
The Bell Labs Computing Science Research Lab repository of mathematical software, data, documents, address lists, and other useful items.
Idioma: English / English
A High Level Language for Numerical Computations
Idioma: English / English
On-line Manuals
.at Chemkin Libraries
Idioma: English / English
Process Improvement Laboratory
Maintains information on a wide variety of process improvement engineering projects.
Idioma: English / English
Includes descriptions and data sheets of Prode calculator, a software product developed by Prode. This is a programmable calculator which contains a databank of about 1000 chemicals and a property package.
Idioma: English / English
Steady state and dynamic simulation software and calculation tools for engineers in oil, gas chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical industries.
Idioma: French / French
Radian Corporation
Provides engineering and technical services including specific technical services: Regulatory Compliance Support, Site Investigation and Remediation, Air Pollution Controls, VOC and Air Toxics Control, Biotreatment, Waste Management
Idioma: English / English
SciTech Software for Science: Chemical Engineering Products
Software for solving chemical engineering problems.
Idioma: English / English
SINDA/G Thermal Analyzer
A thermal analyzer used by NASA, aerospace companies and other industries for advanced thermal modeling. Complex thermal boundary conditions can be modeled using programing logic.
Idioma: English / English
Site for Chemistry Software at Ohio State
Site for Chemistry Software at Ohio State
Idioma: English / English
SOLUTIONS Software Corporation
The TSCA Chemical Inventory on CD-ROM is provided at low cost by SOLUTIONS Software Corporation and is distributed as an environmental, safety and chemical reference.
Idioma: English / English
SteamTab is an add-in package for popular spreadsheet applications for calculating a comprehensive set of thermodynamic and transport properties of steam.
Idioma: English / English
STOA - a documentation system for Disturbances Incidents and Accidents.
Describes STOA - documentation software for Disturbances, Incidents, Accidents and Work related injuries. The software is a database tool for gathering experience which may be used at design, risk analysis and operation.
Idioma: English / English
The Engineering Software Information Exchange
News and information on engineering software of all fields, including chemical engineering. Register your software free. Find out about other web sites that cover engineering software.
Idioma: English / English
The Numerical Algorithms Group
An introduction to NAG's Products and Services. Includes links to a wide variety of network accessable software.
Idioma: English / English
The Thermochemical Calculator
The Thermochemical Calculator
Idioma: English / English
Features products offered: Scientific software and services to facilitate the discovery of new therapeutic and bioactive compounds in the pharmaceutical, biotechnological, chemical, and agrochemical industries.
Idioma: English / English
Tripos, Inc.
Provides products for the use of computers in molecular design, visualization, and analysis.
Idioma: English / English




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