Enlaces a sitios |
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Advanced Bioprocessing Centre (ABC) The scientific objective of the ABC is to become an international centre of excellence in downstream processing and in particular, dynamic extraction technology Idioma: English / English | Biocomputing Unit -- EMBL Heidelberg The Biocomputing Unit was established in 1996 to provide an interface between the experimental scientists and the computational facilities at EMBL. It is a service unit with a strong research component Idioma: German / German |
BMM Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory Idioma: English / English | CBIL Computational Biology and Informatics Laboratory Idioma: English / English |
CMBI - Center for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics. We maintain computational facilities, databases, and software packages in bioinformatics and cheminformatics. The cheminformatics services are directly available at CMBI, many of the services are offered via the international service platforms (NBIC, EBI) Idioma: English / English |
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CUBIC The lab's research is driven by a conviction that protein and DNA sequences encode a significant core of information about the ultimate structure and function of genetic material and its gene products. Idioma: English / English |
Équipe BioInformatique de Lille -- LIFL We are a bioinformatics group at the Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille affiliated with Lille 1 University, CNRS and INRIA Lille - Nord Europe. We are also partners of the IRI and Genopole local initiatives. Idioma: French / French |
Gerstein Lab Research in the field of bioinformatics, focusing on 4 main topics: using computation to annotate genome sequences, mine expression datasets and molecular networks, analyze families, and simulate macromolecular structures Idioma: English / English |
Godzik Lab, Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Physicists, biologists and computer scientists meet together to understand proteins. The Burnham Institute Idioma: English / English |
Gutell Lab - Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology Comparative RNA Site disseminates information about RNA structure and evolution that has been determined using comparative sequence analysis. We present both raw (sequences, structure models, metadata) and processed (analyses, evolution, accuracy) data Idioma: English / English | Laboratoire de Biométrie Le laboratoire « Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive » UMR 5558 du CNRS et de l'université Claude Bernard Lyon I s'organise autour de deux thèmes fédérateurs la « Biométrie » et la « Biologie évolutive ». Idioma: French / French |
Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics (LCB), Uppsala, Sweden Being a joint initiative between Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences guarantees high quality cutting edge research range from microbial and mammalian genomics via computational functional genomics to molecular evolution Idioma: Northern Sami / Northern Sami | Service informatique du Département de Biologie Le service informatique du Département de Biologie assure le fonctionnement des serveurs communs ainsi que la gestion du réseau interne. Outre ces fonctions, il gère le système de contrôle d'accès à certains locaux. E.N.S. Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris Idioma: English / English |