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Adventures of the Elements trading card games
You and the elements guardians must defend the world against evil molecules and elements. Adventures of the Elements scientific trading card test your wit, scientific knowledge and problem solving skills against de the greatest forces in the universe
Idioma: English / English
ALevel Chemistry resources
A teaching resource for 1416 year old chemistry students.
Idioma: English / English
Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble: The International Boiling Point Project
collabrotive grade school project.
Idioma: English / English
Catalyst, The
developed specifically for the high school chemistry teacher, to provide a place for finding relevant information for use in and out of the classroom.
Idioma: English / English
CHEMCentral, Lawrence Central High School
Introduction to Chemistry, Matter: Properties & Changes, Structure of the Atom, Electrons in Atoms, Periodic Table & Periodic Law, The Elements, Ionic Compounds, Covalent Compounds
Idioma: English / English
ChemCom Teachers Resource Center
gathering place for teachers of ChemCom to exchange information and files with each other.
Idioma: English / English
Chemistry Links for the Grade School Through Graduate School Student
Chemistry Links for the Grade School Through Graduate School Student
Idioma: English / English
Cyber Chemistry
This web page is designed, compiled and maintained by Dr.Mohd. Manzoor Hussain. M.Sc., M.Phil., PGDCP., Ph.D. Department Of Chemistry, AlAmeen College, Hosur Rd. BANGALORE27, INDIA
Idioma: English / English
General Chemistry Online
Chemistry tutorial including glossary, common compounds, FAQ, simulations, practice homeworks and exams. By Fred Senese, Department of Chemistry Frostburg State University
Idioma: English / English
Tutorials for High School Chemistry
Tutorials for High School Chemistry
Idioma: English / English




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