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Atomic Bomb Chronology
From the element Uranium discovered by Martin Heinrich Klaproth to the 20007 resolutions about concerns over the use of depleted uranium weapons.
Idioma: English / English
Atomic Structure Timeline
This site explores discoveries related to atomic structure including the electron, proton and neutron. The dates used for events are open to debate since many scientist's spent decades studying a topic. Created by Lee Buescher, Watertown High School
Idioma: English / English
Cosmic Ray Balloon Flights at Snowmass-2001
As part of the outreach and education program at Snowmass-2001, a balloon flight re-enacting the 1911-12 flights by Victor Hess was conducted on Sunday, July 8, 2001. Organizers: Greg Snow (U. Nebraska), Jeff Wilkes (U. Washington)
Idioma: English / English
Discovery of the Electron
Experiments by J.J. Thomson in 1897 led to the discovery of a fundamental building block of matter.
Idioma: English / English




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