Enlaces a sitios |
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Cave and Karst Program, National Park Service The National Park Service Cave and Karst Program emphasizes stewardship, responsibility, science, cooperation, coordination, and education. Idioma: English / English | Cave Science Home Web pages of Dr. Hazel A. Barton and the Barton Research Group at Northern Kentucky University. Within this site you can find information about caves, caving, cave microbiology and Dr. Hazel A. Barton. Idioma: English / English |
CaverNet CaverNet is a privately maintained website which includes many cave, karst and caving links from all over the United States and other countries. It is dedicated to advancement and enjoyment of cavers throughout the world Idioma: English / English | Cavers MultiLingual Dictionary This is the International Union of Speleology online multilingual dictionary of caving and speleological terms. It is a living dictionary that is constantly being added to and tuned as an International t effort among cavers. Idioma: English / English |
Caving Canada An allinclusive site for the Canada, which includes links such as: What is Karst?, Caving Groups in Canada, Canadas Longest and Deepest caves, Cave Science, Cave Rescue, Tourist Resources, Caving Publications, Cave Related Art and other Documents Idioma: English / English |
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Caving.UK An all inclusive site for the United Kingdom which includes: Descent magazine, links to Caving Clubs, Caver Directory, Caving Diary, UK Shops, Photography, UK Weather, Art, UK Showcaves, Notice Board, Rescue, Conservation, Pubs, Links, Accommodation Idioma: English / English |
Project Underground (PU) A national educational program on caves and karst awareness. Project Underground is a source of interdisciplinary instructional activities, and its staff conducts workshops and inservice training programs. Idioma: English / English |
Speleogenesis The scope of the Journal is Speleogenesis, the origin and development of dissolution caves. Speleogenesis can be adequately understood only within the broader context of the Hydrogeologic Setting and Evolution of Karst Idioma: English / English |
The Virtual Cave This site tells the story of caves in words and pictures: whats in them and how it got there. Because caves are so diverse, Ive split them into four underground realms Idioma: English / English |
World Cave Database This is a database of long and deep caves from all around the world. It comes currently in 3 versions: sorted by depth (deeper than 300m), by length (longer than 3kms), and classified by country Idioma: English / English |