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Australasian Hydrographic Society
The Australasian Hydrographic Society is the South West Pacific and South East Asian regional focus for those interested in hydrography and related sciences.
Idioma: English / English
Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft eV
German Hydrographic Society
Idioma: German / German
Hydrographic Society Benelux
De vereniging voor een ieder, die werkzaam is, een opleiding volgt of interesse heeft in Hydrografie en aanverwante wetenschappen
Idioma: Dutch; Flemish / Dutch; Flemish
Hydrographic Society Denmark
Hydrographic Society Denmark
Idioma: Danish / Danish
Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA)
The mission of THSOA is to promote education in hydrography. THSOA was incorporated in the State of Maryland as a non-profit organization in 1984 and was granted 501(c)(3) status as a non-profit organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in 1985
Idioma: English / English
Hydrographic Society of South Africa
To provide a common meeting ground for individuals and organisations interested in hydrography; to hold meetings and symposia and to support the publication of material related; to raise bursaries and scholarships for training, education and research
Idioma: English / English
Hydrographic Society UK
The Hydrographic Society UK (THS UK) is a founding member of the umbrella group, the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS).
Idioma: English / English
International Federation of Hydrographic Societies
Organisation aiming at promotion of the science of surveying over water and related disciplines as well as the fostering of recognised standards of education and training for those engaged, or intending to engage in hydrographic work
Idioma: English / English
The Canadian Hydrographic Association (CHA)
is a non-profit, scientific and technical group of more than 200 members with the objective of: advancing the development of hydrography, marine cartography activities in Canada; furthering the knowledge and professional development of its members
Idioma: English / English
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
The UKHO is the power behind the world-renowned Admiralty brand of products and services covering marine, defence, leisure and hydrographic expertise. The UKHO is a Government Trading Fund and part of the Ministry of Defence.
Idioma: English / English


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