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Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
We encourage readers to write to us with comments on what they read in BAMS, as well as comments on AMS events and initiatives, or simply thoughts about what's happening in the world of atmospheric, oceanographic, hydrologic, and related sciences
Idioma: English / English
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
covers applied research related to physical meteorology, weather modification, satellite meteorology, radar meteorology, boundary layer processes, air pollution meteorology, agricultural meteorology, and applied meteorological numerical models
Idioma: English / English
Journal of Climate
Covers climate research and, therefore, welcomes manuscripts concerned with large-scale variability of the atmosphere, oceans, and land surface, including the cryosphere; past, present, and projected future changes in the climate system
Idioma: English / English
Journal of Hydrometeorology
the Journal of Hydrometeorology covers research related to the modeling, observing, and forecasting of processes related to water and energy fluxes and storage terms, including interactions with the boundary layer and lower atmosphere
Idioma: English / English
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Published monthly by the American Meteorological Society, the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences covers basic research related to the physics, dynamics, and chemistry of the atmosphere of the Earth and other planets
Idioma: English / English
Monthly Weather Review
the Monthly Weather Review covers research results relevant to the analysis and prediction of observed atmospheric circulations and physics, including technique development, data assimilation, model validation, and relevant case studies
Idioma: English / English
The Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Covers research describing instrumentation and methodologies used in atmospheric and oceanic research, including remote sensing instruments, measurements, validation, and data analysis techniques from satellites, aircraft, balloons, and surface platforms
Idioma: English / English
Weather and Forecasting
Published bimonthly by the American Meteorological Society, Weather and Forecasting covers research on forecasting and analysis techniques, forecast verification studies, and case studies useful to forecasters
Idioma: English / English
Weather, Climate, and Society
Publishes scientific research and analysis on the interactions of weather and climate with society. The journal encompasses economic, policy, institutional, social, behavioral, and international research, including mitigation and adaptation to weather
Idioma: English / English




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