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Institutos Nanoingeniería

Enlaces a sitios

Antimatter: Mirror of the Universe
discover what antimatter is, where it is made, and how it is already a part of our lives.
Idioma: English / English
Centenario del Descubrimiento de la Radioactividad
Historia, explicación del fenómeno y su importancia en la vida actual
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Images with brief explanations
Idioma: English / English
Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP)
presents the current understanding of particle physics and fusion research. Intended as an introduction for high-school and college students, and as a teacher resource
Idioma: English / English
Durham/RAL HEP Databases
databases on reaction data, particle properties, experiments, preprints, and email addresses.
Idioma: English / English
Excess Photon Detachment
discusses maximum entropy and bayesian probability theory and other research topics.
Idioma: English / English
Grupo de Altas Energías de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Grupo de Altas Energías de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Grupo de Astropartículas y Física de Altas Energías
Grupo de Astropartículas y Física de Altas Energías
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
HEP Virtual Phonebook
links to phonebooks and directories of high energy physics sites around the world.
Idioma: English / English
Imagine the Universe!
dedicated to discussion about the universe, how it is evolving, and the kinds of objects and phenomena it contains. A service of NASA's High-Energy Astrophysics Learning Center.
Idioma: English / English
Introduction to Particle Physics
the study of the basic elements of matter and the forces acting among them.
Idioma: English / English
Introduction To Particle Physics
brief introduction to the basics of particle physics.
Idioma: English / English
N-particle Model
summary of the theory.
Idioma: English / English
Particle Adventure
interactive tour of the inner workings of the atom and the tools for discovery, with student art, humor, quizzes.
Idioma: English / English
Particle Data Group
international collaboration that reviews particle physics and related areas of astrophysics, and compiles/analyzes data on particle properties.
Idioma: English / English
Particle Physics in the UK
for anyone interested in particle physics, especially in the UK. There are special subpages for school, colleges, industry and journalists.
Idioma: English / English
Physics at Run II
description of the Fermilab Tevatron Run II Workshop, exploring the potential for new discoveries in high energy physics.
Idioma: English / English
Quantum Mechanics Made Simple
introduces the basics of quantum theory.
Idioma: English / English
Scientific American: Leaping Leptoquarks:
Hints of "new physics" emerge from German accelerators.
Idioma: English / English
SLAC BaBar Detector Home Page

Idioma: English / English
HEP Preprint database search
Idioma: English / English
Snowmass 2001
Forum for the critical examination of future projects, and will provide crucial community input to the long-range planning activities undertaken by the science funding agencies and the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel.
Idioma: English / English
Standard Model of Elementary Particles

Idioma: English / English
Super-Kamiokande at UCI

Idioma: English / English
Timing, Trigger and Control (TTC) Systems for LHC Experiments
The timing, trigger and control systems being developed at CERN for the future LHC experiments.
Idioma: English / English
Idioma: English / English
Vector Particle Physics
Mathematically consistent models for the structures of subatomic particles.
Idioma: English / English
Visual Quantum Mechanics
instructional units that introduce quantum physics to high school and college students who do not have a background in modern physics or higher level math
Idioma: English / English
Web Directory: High-Energy Physics
WWW Virtual Library
Idioma: English / English
Web Directory: High-Energy Physics Information

Idioma: English / English
Wilson Lab/CLEO/CESR Home Page

Idioma: English / English
World of Beams
electromagnetism, lasers, synchrotrons, wave physics, particle beams, coherence, and the practical applications of beam physics in science and research today.
Idioma: English / English
Wrong Sign D0 Decays
information about D0 decays to kaons and/or leptons of the wrong sign, through D0-D0bar mixing and/or Cabibbo Suppressed Decays.
Idioma: English / English




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