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Academia Delta
Servicio de consulta para estudiantes de física y matemáticas con un listado de ejercicios, biblioteca, exámenes y apuntes de diversas asignaturas
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Accel-1D: Frame-Dependent Relativity
resources to empower students familiar with only classical kinematics, in the solution of relativistic acceleration problems graphically and/or with help from Galileo's equations
Idioma: English / English
Accel-OneD Problem Solver
Browser program to solve relativistic (near light-speed) and ordinary (e.g. homework) acceleration problems using 1D equations standard to introductory physics
Idioma: English / English
Atoms Family, The
contains educational activities relating to different forms of energy, presented by famous gothic horror characters.
Idioma: English / English
Aula de Física y Química
Apuntes y recursos de Física y Química
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP)
presents the current understanding of particle physics and fusion research. Intended as an introduction for high-school and college students, and as a teacher resource
Idioma: English / English
Departamento física y química IES "Leonardo Da Vinci"
Materiales para la enseñanza de la física: animaciones Modellus, materiales interactivos de relatividad (premio "Ciencia en acción"), experimentos con sensores, clips de video de experimentos, conceptos, archivo de noticias de física y química,..
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Elements of Physics
provides explanations and worksheets to help understand the basic pricipals of physics
Idioma: English / English
Divulgación de apuntes, exámenes, formularios, selectividad, juegos y acertijos, y algo de la historia de la física y las matemáticas
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Física y Química
Recursos para alumnos: Hojas de ejercicios, apuntes, prácticas de laboratorio, direcciones, libros multimedia interactivos, animaciones interactivas y trabajos de los alumnos.
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Department of Physics, Cologne University. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Fachgruppe Physik, Physikalisches Institut
Idioma: German / German
Instituto de Ciencias Físicas de la Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
es una unidad que forma parte del área de las Ciencias Básicas (Ciclo Básico), cuya finalidad principal es impartir al estudiante, los conocimientos elementales de las ciencias físicas.
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Laboratorio de física en el IES con tecnología del siglo XXI
Experimentos de física con sensores y con el simulador Modellus. Más la teoría, documentos textuales, animaciones , clips de video,..
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Learn Physics Today
comprehensive and easy-to-understand tutorial for learning physics
Idioma: English / English
Linköping University Scanning Probe Microscopy Home Page
Laboratory of Applied Physics, Department of Physics and Measurement Technology (IFM) , Linköping University , Sweden
Idioma: English / English
Math and Physics Help Page, The
Math and Physics Help Page, The
Idioma: English / English
Physical Sciences Resource Center (PSRC)
provides teacher resources
Idioma: English / English
Physics Demonstration Resources
physics demonstration resources online with URLs and brief descriptions. A must-see resource for anyone interested in learning how to do physics demonstrations
Idioma: English / English
Physics Student Resources
Physics Student Resources
Idioma: English / English
Physics, Astronomy, and Materials Science
is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service in each of our disciplines, which allows us to provide the best possible learning environment for our undergraduate and graduate student
Idioma: English / English
offers homework help and online tutoring for high school and early college students
Idioma: English / English
posts solutions to physics problems. Online help is available
Idioma: English / English
Recursos de Física
Física interactiva enfocada a estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria (ESO) y bachillerato
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
School of Chemistry, Physics & Earth Sciences, Flinders University
Has a proud tradition of excellence in research and teaching. Flinders University physics is known for outstanding contributions to the fields of atomic, molecular, plasma and nuclear physics.
Idioma: English / English
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - Física
Localización, departamentos, plan de estudios y congresos
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Universidad de Sevilla - Física
Ordenación académica, normativa, horarios de clase y material de docencia
Idioma: Español / Spanish; Castilian
Universitat de Barcelona
Presentació, ensenyaments, departaments i agenda d´activitats
Idioma: Catalan; Valencian / Catalan; Valencian
Visual Quantum Mechanics
instructional units that introduce quantum physics to high school and college students who do not have a background in modern physics or higher level math
Idioma: English / English
Wonders of Physics
physics demonstrations chosen to be entertaining as well as educational. Presentations for the general public on the UW-Madison campus in mid-February each year
Idioma: English / English




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