Enlaces a sitios |
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3 Laws Unsafe project by the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence that points out flaws in the Asimov Laws model, and discusses potential improvements. Idioma: English / English | A.I. Link links, articals, and discussion of robotics and general artificial intelligence. Idioma: English / English |
ACM SIGART ACM SIGART Idioma: English / English | Artificial Intelligence Depot introduction, articles, news, and other features about the field of AI. Idioma: English / English |
ArtificialBrains.com provides an overview of progress in the field of artificial intelligence, focusing on the research and development of novel computing hardware which functions in ways similar to natural nervous systems. Idioma: English / English |
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BotSpot directory of bots and bot resources. Idioma: English / English |
Computing as Compression a theory of computing with applications in artificial intelligence and 'mainstream' computing. Idioma: English / English |
Context in AI "information about context-related AI research; outgrowth of IJCAI workshops on context, run in conjunction with context mailing list" Idioma: English / English |
Creating Superhuman Intelligence the creation of superhumanly intelligent machines seems unavoidable. Some results of a programmable theory of the ultra-intelligent robots appears on the site. Idioma: English / English |
DELCA Project, The research project that seeks to create artifical intelligent ghosts, which users can converse with. Idioma: English / English | Enterprise Project, The Enterprise Project, The Idioma: English / English |
Gnod experiment in the field of artificial intelligence. Self-adapting system which offers recommendations based on entered preferences. Idioma: English / English | Intelligent Systems and Their Societies electronic book which examines artificial intelligence from cognitive, ethical, psychological, economic, and sociological perspectives. Idioma: English / English |
Internet Intelligence: The Artifical Mind Project uses computer and Internet programming to simulate neurons and animal neural pathways in order to better understand how the human brain works. Idioma: English / English | New Scientist: AI and A-Life a collection of articles about things such as neural networks, intelligent robots, virtual worlds, evolving machines, and more. Idioma: English / English |
Premise.org artificial intelligence link site with examples of neural nets, symbolic AI, game AI, and flocking. Idioma: English / English | Scientific American Frontiers: Games Machines Play looks at how A.I. has evolved. Idioma: English / English |