Enlaces a sitios |
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AJET ComSIG OnLINE the Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching's Computer Special Interest Group. Idioma: English / English | American Association of Computer Rental Professionals (AACRP provides meeting planners, conference organizers, trade show consultants, and temporary staffing agencies with techniques for planning PC and laptop rental needs, and more. Idioma: English / English |
Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Informática y las Telecomunicaciones Estatutos, partys realizadas, proyectos en curso y datos útiles para socios. Idioma: English / English | Association of A32 Users support any advanced desktop platform of interest to our membership. Idioma: English / English |
Association of ex-Lotus Employees (AXLE) through organized events and an online community AXLE members have the opportunity to continue developing professional and personal relationships. Idioma: English / English |
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Association of Personal Computer User Groups Idioma: English / English |
Association of Shareware Professionals Idioma: English / English |
Associaton for Computing Machinery (ACM) - San Francisco Bay Chapter offers computer-science meetings and lectures. Idioma: English / English |
Atlanta Silicon Graphics User Group (ASUG) Idioma: English / English |
Australian Computer Society (ACS) - Women in Technology (WIT society for information technology professionals in Australia. Site points to a number of other WIT relevant sites and resources. Idioma: English / English | Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) representative body of the information technology and telecommunications industries of Australia. Idioma: English / English |
Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS) national association of the IT companies.Site includes directory of members, events, and activities. Idioma: English / English | CPSR-ES Sitio oficial del capítulo español de la Computer Professionals for Social Responsability, con boletín y noticias actualizadas. Idioma: English / English |
Endeavour Web designed, built, and managed by and for senior citizens who have an interest in computers and the Internet. Idioma: English / English | Her Domain of Austin a support and networking group for women interested in the World Wide Web. Idioma: English / English |
Independent Computer Consultants Association non-profit trade association for independent computer consultants. Idioma: English / English | INFOBALT to promote Lithuanian IT&T market and search for business contacts. Idioma: English / English |
Institute for Women and Technology created so that women can participate fully in the definition and creation of new technologies. Idioma: English / English | Interactive Media Trade Association (MDG.org) a trade association for interactive media companies, offering networking, market development, promotion and education to its members. Idioma: English / English |
International Internet Association, LLC international association of Internet professionals, consultants, and entrepreneurs. Idioma: English / English | IT Europa offers information, news, and research on the European I.T./PC channel. Provides surveys and reports on the reseller, retailer, integrator, distribution, software, and computing market. Idioma: English / English |
labcompliance.com labcompliance.com Idioma: English / English | Metropolitan Systems Educators and Trainers (MetroSET) organization of computer training professionals in Metropolitan New York who meet monthly with speakers and panelists to address current technology and training topics. Idioma: English / English |
National Computing Centre membership and research organisation with the aim of promoting the effective use of information technology. Idioma: English / English | New Mexico Internet Professionals Association association of professionals dedicated to expanding the market for Internet-related services. Idioma: English / English |
New Zealand Computer Society (NZCS) professional society for people working in the information technology industry. Idioma: English / English | North American Network Operators Group NANOG offers tools, documentation, research, and operational experience concerning the production Internet Idioma: English / English |
NY Remedy User Group for area developers of the Action Request System. Idioma: English / English | Plataforma Internauta Colectivo de internautas del estado español en defensa de la tarifa plana y el acceso universal a la red. Idioma: English / English |
SeniorComp offering three levels of computer courses to adults. Idioma: English / English | Silver Surfers UK directory for the over 50s. Idioma: English / English |
Society for Documentation Professionals information about meetings and articles of interest to developers of technical documentation or training. Idioma: English / English | Society of Computer Professionals, Inc dedicated to acknowledging and gaining recognition for the achievements of its members. Idioma: English / English |
Society of Information Technology Management (SOCITM) primary objective of the society is to promote the effective and efficient use of Information Technology in local government and the public sector. Idioma: English / English | Software Association of Oregon Idioma: English / English |
Software Forum sponsoring 14 SIGs, monthly dinner meetings, free business clinics, seminars, and electronic forums. Idioma: English / English | Systers informal organization for technical women in computing that began in 1987. Promotes networking for women in computer science. Idioma: English / English |
Taguslink network of technology based organisations including companies, universities, research organisations, and institutions. Idioma: English / English | UniForum NZ focused on vendor-independent open systems. Idioma: English / English |
UpperValley Computer Industry Association non-profit association for computer industry related companies, institutions and individuals in the Upper Connecticut River Valley, spanning Vermont and New Hampshire. Idioma: English / English | Usenet - comp.org.user-groups.meetings Idioma: English / English |
Vietnamese Association for Computing, Engineering Technology and Science (VACETS) Idioma: English / English | Women's IT Network non-profit organisation established to encourage, support, and promote women working within the IT industry. Idioma: English / English |
Worldwide Institute of Software Architects a nonprofit membership organization founded to accelerate the establishment of the profession of software architecture and provide information and services. Idioma: English / English | WorldWit an online resource for women in technology to network and share ideas. Idioma: English / English |
Yale University - The Ada Project Internet resources for women in computer science. Idioma: English / English |