La Hip�tesis de RiemannUn retrato visual de la Hip�tesis de Riemann y los antecedentes hist�ricos de los n�meros primos: La funci�n zeta de Riemann, Euclides, la Criba de Erat�stenes, Gauss, Legendre, Dirichlet, aleatoriedad, matriz hermitiana, Freeman Dyson, Hugh Montgomery, Espirales de Ulam, valores propios, niveles de energ�a, cifrado RSA. Publicado: Jueves, 5/4/2012 - 16:27 | 2637 visitas.
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Enlaces a sitios | | | �D�nde hay Matem�tica? El Blog de Ciencia Vista Desde el �mbito Matem�tico Idioma: Espa�ol / Spanish; Castilian | Aula de Matem�tica Animate a curiosear y ser parte del mundo de las matem�ticas Idioma: Espa�ol / Spanish; Castilian | Bernoulli Trials considers the random process named after James Bernoulli. Includes binomial, geometric, and multinomial distribution. Idioma: English / English | Coolmath.com features puzzles, fractals, games, lessons, calculators, and more. Idioma: English / English | El Para�so de las Matem�ticas Una p�gina dedicada al fascinante universo de las Matem�ticas. Aqu� encontrar�s apuntes, ejercicios, ex�menes, juegos, enlaces, historia, etc. Todo este material est� muy orientado para la ense�anza media y superior. Idioma: Espa�ol / Spanish; Castilian | El Prisma Apuntes de matem�tica, �lgebra, �lgebra booleana, �lgebra Conmutativa, ejercicios, etc Idioma: Espa�ol / Spanish; Castilian | Free Math Help.com provides help to students learning algebra, geometry, calculus, and more. Site offers lessons, games, calculators, and other tools. Idioma: English / English | Goudreau Museum of Mathematics in Art and Science seeks to promote and encourage interest in mathematics for everyone. Offers hands-on exhibits and workshops for all age groups. Idioma: English / English | Greek Alphabet table listing all of the letters, upper-case and lower-case, with their names and pronunciations, and emphasis on their use in mathematics. Idioma: English / English | Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles games, puzzles, proofs, facts, and other resources. Idioma: English / English | |
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