NS Sevmorput. Es un carguero LASH de 61.900 toneladas con proa rompehielos. Impulsado por un reactor KLT-40 desarrollando 32,5 MW a la h�lice desde un reactor de 135 MMWt
Imagen: Agencias / Internet
Otto Hahn. Barco de carga y de investigaciones construido en Alemania. Ten�a un reactor de 36 MWt que entregaba 8 MW a la h�lice.
Imagen: Agencias / Internet
El Savanah. Ten�a un reactor de 74MWt que entregaba 16,4 MW a la h�lice.
Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center consortium of educational organizations seeking to improve marine technology education and meet the needs of America's ocean-related workforce. Idioma: English / English
Maritime Engineering History including Doxford diesel engine and triple expansion engine. Ocean liners like Titanic, Canberra and Empress of Scotland. Idioma: English / English
Sea Technology specializing in the ocean/marine industry. Published monthly. Idioma: English / English
World Wave Atlas "software that provides worldwide ocean wave and wind statistics from satellite altimeters and other sources; tracks wave climate and power, extremes, and hurricanes." Idioma: English / English
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