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Ingenier�a Petrolera

Combina m�todos cient�ficos y t�cnicos orientados al descubrimiento, explotaci�n, desarrollo, transporte, proceso y tratamiento de los hidrocarburos desde su estado natural, en el yacimiento, hasta productos finales o derivados.

Publicado: Sábado, 12/6/2010 - 22:40  | 40802 visitas.

Imagen: Ecuador Ciencia
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Discovery Place
is an interactive web-site where the oil and gas industry can find information and conduct business
Idioma: English / English
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Reading Room
includes commercial, government, jobs, organization, publication, research, and university sites.
Idioma: English / English
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Sources
An extensive list of petroleum and geosystems engineering information resources.
Idioma: English / English
Petroleum Exploration Resources
for the hydrocarbon exploration industry.
Idioma: English / English
PIRSA PetroleumJump to content - Petroleum Links
Petroleum Links of Data Brokers, Education, Industry Associations, Government and Companies operating in Australia
Idioma: English / English
Refining Online
a collective site for products and services for the Oil Refining industry, and includes an online Q&A feature covering related issues.
Idioma: English / English
Refining On-line
An on-line information service providing a collective information site for various products and services for the Oil Refining industry.
Idioma: English / English
The Oil & Gas Industry on the Web
Provides a list of Oil and Gas resources on the Web.
Idioma: English / English
U.S. Highways: Whatever Happened to Standard Oil?
features an abridged history of the petroleum companies that have used the Standard brand name.
Idioma: English / English
World Oil
For 90 years, the World Oil team has maintained a shared vision - to offer superior editorial content in World Oil, bring buyers and sellers together via World Oil's superior circulation and online exposure
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