Enlaces a sitios |
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Accelerating Into Physics educational resource that furthers understanding and knowledge of physics, through both theoretical and practical applications of the science. Idioma: English / English | causeeffect.org contains articles by amateur physicist Carl R. Littmann that address the understanding of fundamental issues in physics from a conceptual and intuitive viewpoint. Idioma: English / English |
Cool Physics Movies videos of flying at near the speed of light, a quantum mechanical bouncing ball, and a jet breaking the sound barrier. Idioma: English / English | Eric's Treasure Trove of Physics Idioma: English / English |
FAQ Physics Idioma: English / English | Fear of Physics offers explanations for esoteric rules of physics. Idioma: English / English |
F�sica experimental F�sica experimental Idioma: English / English | F�sica Interactiva Ejercicios interactivos, leyes, f�rmulas y otros temas de f�sica Idioma: Espa�ol / Spanish; Castilian |
Fizzics Fizzle physics for all levels, from beginners to introductory college level. Idioma: English / English | Foro de F�sica Foro estudiantil de resoluci�n de dudas Idioma: Espa�ol / Spanish; Castilian |